Slow AI
The Slow AI project seeks to unpack and re-imagine alternative narratives for AI outside Silicon Valley ideologies. Inspired by counter movements like slow fashion and slow food, it aims to subvert corporate-first thinking by collectively researching & practicing new perspectives such as Small AI, Ancestral AI, and Esoteric AI as ways to “imagine and craft the worlds we cannot live without, just as we dismantle the ones we cannot live within” - Ruha Benjamin. We invite critical AI researchers, designers, creative technologists, and artists to interrogate and publish critical AI discourse through community sessions, webwoven essays, and playful critiques, creating one hot compost pile of anthologies, Miro boards and zines we hope will spark new modes of thinking & talking about AI.
Jan 2024 - Nov 2024
Lead by Nadia NadesanSmall AI questions the dominance of large-scale models by addressing environmental impact, discriminatory language, and cultural preservation. It’s an invitation to use notions of fractals, friction, and fragmented-ness in nature and math to inspire ideas around Small AI and send ripples that shift practices around Big AI. It advocates for equitable, sustainable alternatives, prompting exploration of community-focused governance, and interconnectedness as pathways to more just futures.
In this research we ask: What is possible when our objective is cultural creation and preservation instead of scale or profit?

Lead by Natalia StanuschEsoteric AI challenges mainstream perceptions of AI as either disenchanted or enchanted, proposing alternative ways of seeing, sensing, and knowing AI that blur the seeming binary of magic and technology. Inspired by feminist philosophy and science and technology studies, Esoteric AI seeks to trouble the normative understandings of AI and reclaim the feminine and the enchanted from the dominant ways they are projected onto AI. Just as a séance is a collective process, so is our reimagining and reenchanting of AI.
In this research we ask: What can we learn from il/legitimate predictive technologies of the past – (feminist) practices like astrology, tarot, Farmer’s Almanac?

Lead by Gustavo Nogueira de MenezesAncestral AI explores natural and cultural temporalities to better understand how we might create alternatives to the culture of Big Tech’s AI development: ‘always-on,’ ‘fast-paced’ or ‘time-blind’. We document and investigate the wisdom of past generations, including time-tested approaches to building resilient complex systems.
In this research we ask: What can we learn from non-western and indigenous governance models, archiving practices, and data-led technologies?

Eager to explore more? Check our miro board
Sprinkle comments, builds, thoughts, and additional links or references throughout the Miro board, and other outputs. If you do, and want to be listed as a contributor to this project, add your details to this form here.

We are summoning the community / you again to join forces with us to help to bring the Slow AI research to life. The objective is to translate the key concepts from Slow AI into an artwork that helps people ‘get’ it without having to labor over the research ‘report’. We are open to any medium / formats as long as we can publish it on our website. Bonus points for: interactive / experiential / participatory - something people can do, try, experiment with, experience. 🛝
We will commission 3 artists, one artist per each of Slow AI theme. Wanna know more? Check buttons for full open call / join info session.