The AIxDESIGN Slack is our primary space to find one another in between and outside the events.

It's where our community gathers, collaborates, learns, meets, shares, asks, and discusses together.

Join the hundreds of practitioners, thinkers, and makers across interest and geographies by signing up with the form below.

See you in there!

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Screenshot from the Butter of our amazing facilitators for Alt AI kick off event - Nadia, Fred, Amritha, Gustavo, Andres and Dominika smiling in their lil squares, yet unaware one of them is doing this screenshot that will forever be engraved in pixels and of course their hearts.
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If you'd like to be more in the know but are not quite ready to commit as a member, connect with us across any or all of our (social) channels to stay in the loop of what we're upto!

We love sharing things that inspire us alongside our latest work and hope you join the conversation there!

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If you prefer real-time voices and faces over chat bubbles, join one of our upcoming gatherings! We host events such as talks, workshops, generative sessions, informal community hangouts, and hold space for members to facilitate during research rendezvous. 

When the stars align, we occasionally meet IRL to see how tall we all are and hear what our voices sound like without lagging.

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Ready for the next step and looking to get more involved? As a DIY org, the community is largely self-organizing and member-led so we’d love for you to get involved in ways that are meaningful to you.

Whether that's by sharing insights, stewarding the community experience, co-organizing gatherings, supporting ongoing (research) projects, or proposing an idea or initiative of your own - we're inviting all of it.

Are you in? To join as a contributor, first get into the community Slack (find above) and simply follow the steps during onboarding.

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Fabian Mosele leading wonderful workshop Animating AI characters, you can see him overseeing five computer curious people with their laptops in front of them. They have mostly apple computers, you know.
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Screenshot of a miro board with chaotic vibes only of our kick off event on Alt AI projects.
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Random picture from the workshop, a woman and a man, they are both not looking to the camera but on someone in the left corner, we will never know who that was.
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Hear from our community

Check what others have to say about the community.

Fabian Mosele AI Animator, contributor

Erik Peters Futurist & World-builder

Sonja Rouwhorst Lecturer @ University of Amsterdam

Ben Byford Machine Ethics podcast

Karina Zavidova Former Comms Lead AIxD

Fabian Mosele AI Animator, contributor
